Don’t Be scared of fat

Heart disease is a disease caused by processed food. 

The lack of variety of necessary nutrients in processed foods rather than properly prepared whole foods can slowly cause dramatic damage to the body.  Particularly, low-fat diets deprive the  body of necessary essential fatty acids that allow us to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. 

More related, low-fat diets usually mean that one will depend on more carbohydrates for energy production. This can ensure a higher spike in blood sugar instead of a steady increase and decrease throughout the day like when one eats a balanced fat dense diet. Instead, there are larger spikes of blood sugar which triggers higher amounts of insulin which can  over time cause insulin resistance. 

healthy fats

Insulin is the hormone triggered to convert carbohydrates and sugars into glucose into the bloodstream. It is key to metabolism. When the body starts having issues with insulin resistance it can cause things like type II diabetes and also cardiovascular heart failure.  

Insulin is one of the main metabolizers in the heart, skeletal muscle, liver, and adipose tissue. When insulin starts to be overspent and loses its triggered response - insulin resistance is developed and these specific tissues start to struggle. 

Did you know that cardiovascular disease was one of the biggest killers in America in the last century?! Americans are starting to see the importance of fat in the diet slowly but surely. With information being more readily available as well as alternative natural medicine making its way into the mainstream focus  - these issues can be addressed more publicly.

All this to say, do not be scared of healthy fats - your body needs it!


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