Blueberry cobbler with eggnog whipped cream

We’re entering into the holiday season and with that comes many treats. However, most desserts come with loads of unwanted seed oils, hydrogenated oils, and fake substances like natural flavors, dye and more. This year switch out the junk for a more natural dessert. This Blueberry Cobbler has plenty of sweetness, but from natural sources.


½ cup of oats (organic gluten free) 

¼ stick of room temp butter (I used Karrygold Grass-Fed)

¼ cup of gluten free organic flour

1 teaspoon of organic brown sugar 

1 tablespoon of organic maple syrup 

Splash of organic grass fed heavy cream (or raw cream if you have access to it) 

1 cup of organic blueberries (frozen or fresh)


Butter the edges of your tin

Add in the cup of frozen or fresh blueberries 

In a bowl mix the oats, flour, sugar, butter, and heavy cream in a bowl. Once the ingredients are fully mixed, then place a layer of the mixture over the small plot of blueberries. This is where you can add in cinnamon or nutmeg to the top. 

Place tin in the oven at 350 degrees for 35-40 min or until the top is slightly browned and crisp. 

While baking in the oven. Take your eggnog, I highly recommend using the organic A2 grass fed eggnog. It has way less harmful ingredients in it. Simply put half a cup of eggnog and a splash of heavy cream into a bowl and whip it until it’s a fluffy texture.

Take out the cobbler when ready and let cool for 15 min. Then you can plate it with a dollop of eggnog whipped cream and enjoy!


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