How To Properly Prepare Foods

Proper food preparation is not only about enhancing flavor but also about maximizing nutritional benefits and digestibility. Here are some tips for preparing common foods, using rice and beans as examples:


1. Rinsing and Soaking:

  • Rinsing: Before cooking rice, rinse it under cold water to remove excess starch. This prevents the rice from becoming too sticky.

  • Soaking: While rice doesn't necessarily require a 24-hour soak, a shorter soak (4-6 hours) can make it more digestible. This process helps break down anti-nutrients like phytic acid, making the nutrients in rice more accessible.

2. Water Ratio and Cooking Method:

  • Water Ratio: Use the appropriate water-to-rice ratio for the type of rice you're cooking. Brown rice generally requires more water than white rice.

  • Cooking Method: Consider using methods like steaming or boiling instead of boiling in excess water. This helps retain more nutrients.

3. Resting Period:

  • After cooking, let the rice rest with the lid on for about 10 minutes. This allows the remaining steam to complete the cooking process and results in fluffier rice.


1. Sorting and Rinsing:

  • Sorting: Before cooking dried beans, sort through them to remove any debris or damaged beans.

  • Rinsing: Rinse the beans under cold water to remove dust and any remaining impurities.

2. Soaking:

  • Long Soak: For beans, a longer soak (8-12 hours or overnight) is beneficial. This reduces cooking time and helps break down complex sugars that can cause gas.

  • Quick Soak: If you're short on time, you can use a quick soak method by bringing the beans to a boil, letting them sit for an hour, and then draining before cooking.

3. Cooking and Seasoning:

  • Cooking Time: Cook beans thoroughly, ensuring they are tender. The cooking time can vary based on the type of beans.

  • Seasoning: Add salt and other seasonings toward the end of the cooking process to avoid toughening the beans.

4. Avoid Adding Acidic Ingredients Early:

  • Hold off on adding acidic ingredients like tomatoes until the beans are mostly cooked. Acidic ingredients can slow down the softening process.

By following these tips, you can enhance the nutritional value and digestibility of rice and beans. Happy cooking!


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